Baton Rouge & Prairieville Realtors
Statistics based on number from the local MLS. Last Updated on 08/05/2019.
The below brief list of services is something we provide for every single seller. We believe these aren’t extras, but simply a part of our obligation, our duty to represent your property in the best light and to the most number of eligible buyers. And so we invest into staging, photography and broad-scale marketing in order to ensure your property does not linger in the annals of the MLS, but rather elicits the sort of immediate buzz around it from both, agents and brokers. We make your property shine and sparkle and only then do we send it out into the world of home seekers. So every client gets:
Professional Photos
Professional Guided Video Tour
Complimentary Staging Consultation
Beautiful Ad/Marketing Copy
Postcards Mailed To An Entire Carrier Route
Unique Website Just for Your Home
Advertising on Zillow as Well as Other Portals Where Buyers Search for Area Homes
Exposure to Over 3,000 Real Estate Agents and Their Clients
Concierge List of Contractors/Service Providers
Targeted Marketing on FaceBook and Instagram
All of the above will greatly increase the chances of you getting an appropriate offer on your home. But of course, that’s only the beginning of the process. Here is what we do to simplify (for you) the rest of it:
This is where we stand above the rest! The paperwork involved in selling your home can become overwhelming if you aren’t well taken care of. We will explain each document and can meet you for in person signatures or send documents to you for electronic signatures, if you prefer. We will work with you on your terms, your schedule and using the technology or other means that you are comfortable with. Our goal here is to be minimally disruptive to your life. Outside of your other preferences for additional contact, you’ll hear from us every Monday with updates on recent showings, any other activities or paperwork, or, at times, issues. We want to keep you in the loop.
We will also help you with referring and contacting contractors and other service providers as needed.